City of Cypress
Home MenuFinance & Administrative Services
Main Number: (714) 229-6700
Business Licenses: (714) 229-6712
Human Resources: (714) 229-6684
E-mail the Finance & Administrative Services Department
Matt Burton, Director of Finance & Administrative Services Director/City Treasurer
Department Overview
The City of Cypress Finance and Administrative Services Department has oversight for: financial accounting, payroll, fixed assets, departmental budgets, issuing business licenses, maintaining personnel data, information systems, accounts payable and investments. The department consists of three divisions: Finance, Human Resources and Information Systems.
Finance Division: The Finance division is responsible for the following: general accounting, treasury management, payroll, accounts payable, purchasing, revenue collection and business licensing. Finance is also responsible for the preparation of the City's budget and financial statements. The overall goal of this division is to provide the citizens and employees of Cypress with reliable information and quality customer service. The division also oversees and monitors the internal control environment of the City, a major goal of which is to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect City assets.
The general accounting function relates to the maintenance of a highly-structured computerized general ledger system that tracks all financial activities of the City. The investing of the City's idle cash balances in accordance with the Investment Policy adopted by the City Council is the major component of the treasury management function. Other responsibilities of the treasury function include the ongoing decision making related to the liquidity, legality, and yield of a potential investment, while minimizing the risk and ensuring safety
The bi-weekly payroll function generates paychecks and direct deposit amounts for all of the City's employees, Commission members and Council members. The accounts payable function provides payments to approximately 200 vendors and independent contractors on a biweekly basis.
Finance is also responsible for the collection and recording of all City revenues as well as business licensing. The City annually licenses approximately 2,000 businesses located within the City limits and another 1,600 businesses located outside the City.
Human Resources Division:
The Human Resources Division oversees employee recruitment and selection, job classifications and employee compensation, benefits administration, labor relations, training, safety, workers' compensation administration, and publishes job announcements. The division's overall goals are to secure and maintain a highly qualified City workforce, promote and maintain relations and communication with employees, and provide a safe and productive work environment.
The Human Resources Division is responsible for events such as the Employee Health Fair, Benefits Open Enrollment, and the Employee Service Awards Luncheon. The Division also conducts labor negotiations with several of the City's employee associations.
It is the overriding goal of the City of Cypress Human Resources Division to strive to consistently provide a high level of service to City employees and the public. To this end, the Human Resources staff is continuously reviewing and exploring ways to improve the services the division provides.
Information Technology Division:
The Information Technology (IT) Division has oversight of the City's computer systems, networks, network security, web page, document imaging, the City's Internet connection, financial applications and is responsible for implementing the Technology Master Plan which is approved annually by the City Council.
Computer Systems
The City's six main buildings: City Hall, Council Chambers, the Police Department, the Community Center, the Senior Center, and the Maintenance Yard, host a Microsoft file server and an Exchange mail server at each location. Depending upon proximity, the buildings are connected either by a 100Mbps Ethernet connection, wireless, encrypted radio bridges, or encrypted virtual private networks (VPNs); the City Council Chambers connects to City Hall with fiber optic cable.
The City runs standardized PC hardware and operating systems; at the desktop users run Microsoft Office Professional and Outlook with the Windows operating system.
IT Staff maintain the City's Financial Accounting/Payroll Human Resources system and maintain the 52 servers that run all City applications in a virtual environment.
The Information Technology Division is responsible for maintaining over 200 personal computers, ruggedized mobile computers, in-car video systems, mobile, hand-held devices and the City's firewall.
In addition to standardized office and e-mail software, the division provides support for numerous software applications that are specific to individual departments within the City. Connection to the Internet, as well as updates of the City's web site,, are managed by division staff.