

The Maintenance Division is responsible for maintaining City owned landscaped areas including parks, medians, and parkways, as well as general municipal infrastructure including 108 miles of sewers, 60 miles of storm drains, 105 miles of streets, 145 miles of sidewalks, 18,000 street trees, 47 traffic signals, 8,000 street signs, and 3,000 street lights.

Most work is done with a combination of city staff and equipment along with contracted services provided by private companies. Exceptions are traffic signals, street lights, graffiti removal, and turf mowing which are almost entirely contracted out. In addition, large street and sidewalk maintenance projects are contracted out.

Contact the Maintenance Division at (714) 229-6760, or you may fill out and submit our request for service form online.

submit service request

City Trees

On June 22, 2015 City Council amended the Parkway Tree Policy to address drought conditions. The amended policy narrows the tree selection list to a variety of drought tolerant trees. These trees have a better survivability rate given Southern California’s drought climate.

Parkway Tree Policy

Street Tree Selection Manual (STSM)

Photos of Tree Selection