Community Oriented Policing

Community oriented policing, as practiced by the Cypress Police Department, is a value driven policing philosophy that, at its core, embraces a partnership between our community and the Police Department. Within our Department, one will not find community oriented policing written as a specific program nor will one find a community oriented policing officer or unit. Our community oriented policing philosophy is based upon what we prefer to call a value based policing philosophy, which involves every member of the City.

Our goals in relationship to this philosophy include:

  1. To promote safe, secure neighborhoods and commercial zones which are free of crime and/or the fear of crime, and absent of blight that breeds crime;
  2. To promote citizen involvement in partnership with us to resolve those problems and conflicts which adversely affect the quality of life of our community; and
  3. To enhance communication between the citizens of our community, our Department and our local government in general.

As part of this organizational philosophy, we have an organizational culture which encompasses the following:

  1. The Cypress Police Department is a full service organization with our primary function of providing public safety related services which meets the needs and/or desires of the community;
  2. The Cypress Police Department considers itself as an integral part of the community of Cypress;
  3. Our belief is that the community has a legitimate and fundamental obligation to be involved in policing our City;
  4. We form true partnerships with the community's various stakeholders in order to provide a better quality of life for those who live, work and/or visit our community;
  5. Our operations are strategically based anticipating and solving problems before they erupt into major issues, rather than solely relying on a traditional command and control style which is simply based on reacting and confronting individual incidents; and
  6. The level of public cooperation, servicing various community needs and the long-term resolution of community problems, determines our overall effectiveness.